The Colavita Factor Cycling Team Logo was created to show a merger of two sponsors of a professional women's cycling team. 
Tamasha's logo was created for a Dance Team at Rutgers University as a freelance project. 
Pass it Forward is a logo created for my freelance work with Under Armour.
This logo was created for a new Vision for Trenton, New Jersey at my internship at Princeton Partners. The Blue to yellow colors represent an emerging into the light and becoming more creative which is Trenton's initiative. The color blocks in the logo are an outline of Trenton's famous bridge. 
The TCNJ Collegiate Recovery Community logo was created as my duties as Graphic Design Manager. This logo was made to represent the arrow on a GPS system to reflect how recovery is a navigation process. 
This logo was created at my internship where I encapsulated the Vision of Trenton as a super hero comic.
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